Results for 'Jonathon Llewellyn Louth'

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  1.  21
    From Newton to Newtonianism: Reductionism and the development of the social sciences.Jonathon Llewellyn Louth - 2011 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 13 (4):63-83.
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    Karl Llewellyn's Legal Realism in Retrospect. [REVIEW]Karl Llewellyn - 1964 - Ethics 74 (3):201-207.
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  3. Hallucination as Perceptual Synecdoche.Jonathon VandenHombergh - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    Relationalism is the view that perception is partly constituted by external objects (McDowell 1994; Campbell 2002; Martin 2004). Faced with the hallucination argument, and unsatisfied with the standard disjunctivist reply, some ‘new wave’ relationalists explain away the possibility of hallucinations as mere illusions (Alston 1999; Watzl 2010; Ali 2018; Masrour 2020). In this paper, I argue that some of these illusions (as in Chalmers 2005; Ali 2018) are perceptions of internal objects which appear as external ones. Then, in response to (...)
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    The Role of Critical Formalism in Music Education.J. Paul Louth - 2012 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 20 (2):117-134.
    This article discusses the emancipatory potential of critical formalism, a mode of critique that may be helpful in revealing to music students the taken-for-granted nature of some common musical and educational notions whose socially constructed nature may not always appear evident. The work is presented in two parts: “theory” and “praxis.” The theoretical component briefly outlines the notion of critical formalism as loosely derived from Adorno’s aesthetic theory, and the practical component illustrates two examples of reified forms that may be (...)
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    Theology, Contemplation and the University.Andrew Louth - 2004 - Studies in Christian Ethics 17 (1):69-79.
    Theology was one of the original faculties of the medieval university, which grew out of the earlier monastic and cathedral schools, where theology was central. The purpose of theology in monastic education was to provide not simply information about theological topics, but to prepare one to contemplate God, contemplation being the true knowledge of God. Contemplation as the goal of intellectual development, however, goes behind the Christian education of monastery and university to the intellectual and cultural ideals of classical civilisation, (...)
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    Emphasis and Suggestion Versus Musical Taxidermy: Neoliberal Contradictions, Music Education, and the Knowledge Economy.J. Paul Louth - 2020 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 28 (1):88.
    Abstract:For decades, education has been inundated with neoliberal policies described as enabling its structures to adjust to a global knowledge economy. Located at the intersection of such "reform" language and classical liberal economic theory is a troubling paradox–the idea that knowledge should be centrally concentrated in order to "liberalize" education along free market lines. This essay considers implications of centralized knowledge for music education in light of this contradiction and the rhetoric that obscures it. To raise awareness of this paradox, (...)
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    The reception of dionysius up to maximus the confessor.Andrew Louth - 2008 - Modern Theology 24 (4):573-583.
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    Oh, the things you don’t know: awe promotes awareness of knowledge gaps and science interest.Jonathon McPhetres - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (8):1599-1615.
    ABSTRACTAwe is described as an a “epistemic emotion” because it is hypothesised to make gaps in one’s knowledge salient. However, no empirical evidence for this yet exists. Awe is also hypothesised...
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    Experimental criteria for accessing reality: Perrin’s experimental demonstration of atoms and molecules.Jonathon Hricko & Ruey-Lin Chen - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (1):1-25.
    This paper develops an approach to the scientific realism debate that has three main features. First, our approach admits multiple criteria of reality, i.e., criteria that, if satisfied, warrant belief in the reality of hypothetical entities. Second, our approach is experiment-based in the sense that it focuses on criteria that are satisfied by experiments as opposed to theories. Third, our approach is local in the sense that it focuses on the reality of particular kinds of entities. We apply this approach (...)
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  10. From the top down: Self-esteem and self-evaluation.Jonathon D. Brown, Keith A. Dutton & Kathleen E. Cook - 2001 - Cognition and Emotion 15 (5):615-631.
  11. Virtue Ethics: St Maximos the Confessor and Aquinas Compared.Andrew Louth - 2013 - Studies in Christian Ethics 26 (3):351-363.
    Traditionally Christian ethical reflection has taken the form of what is called nowadays ‘virtue ethics’. This article compares the approach to virtue ethics in the Byzantine thinker, Maximos the Confessor, and the Western thinker, Thomas Aquinas. They both share the heritage of Plato and Aristotle. Maximos develops a concern for the virtues that is practical and ascetic; although he recognizes and uses the traditional classical terminology, he prefers a new Christian terminology, based more directly on the Scriptures. In contrast, Aquinas (...)
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  12. What Can the Discovery of Boron Tell Us About the Scientific Realism Debate?Jonathon Hricko - 2021 - In Timothy D. Lyons & Peter Vickers, Contemporary Scientific Realism: The Challenge From the History of Science. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter examines the work in chemistry that led to the discovery of boron and explores the implications of this episode for the scientific realism debate. This episode begins with Lavoisier’s oxygen theory of acidity and his prediction that boracic acid contains oxygen and a hypothetical, combustible substance that he called the boracic radical. And it culminates in the work of Davy, Gay-Lussac, and Thénard, who used potassium to extract oxygen from boracic acid and thereby discovered boron. This episode constitutes (...)
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  13.  17
    Music for All or Partisan Advocacy? Exploring Socialized Epistemologies.J. Paul Louth & Lauren Kapalka Richerme - 2023 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 31 (2):136-154.
    When novice music educators abandon their expressed dedication to forward-looking ideas like equity, epistemological distinctions between belief and knowledge, or lack of such distinctions, may influence such action. Political philosopher Russell Hardin argued that it makes sense for people to hold false, conflicting, and even extreme beliefs. Drawing on his work, we consider how social influences may encourage music educators to adopt a view of knowledge as the acquisition of information that is useful rather than truthful in the sense of (...)
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  14.  16
    A Response to Valerie L. Trollinger," A Reconception of Performance Study in the Philosophy of Music Education".Paul Louth - forthcoming - Philosophy of Music Education Review.
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  15. Brief notices-byzantine orthodoxies.Andrew Louth & Augustine Casiday - 2007 - Speculum 82 (1):257.
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    Discerning the Mystery: An Essay on the Nature of Theology.Andrew Louth - 1989 - Oxford University Press UK.
    An assessment of the effects of Enlightenment thought on theology.
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  17. Erudition et religion aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles (Bruno Neveu).A. Louth - 1996 - Heythrop Journal 37:235-236.
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  18.  27
    Examining Instruction in MIDI-based Composition Through a Critical Theory Lens.Paul Louth - 2013 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 21 (2):136.
    This paper considers the issue of computer-assisted composition in formal music education settings from the perspective of critical theory. The author examines the case of MIDI-based software applications and suggests that the greatest danger from the standpoint of ideology critique is not the potential for circumventing a traditional understanding of theoretical knowledge and notation when composing. Instead, it is false subjectivity, or the potential belief that what one creates is free from the mediation of tacit musical conventions and the ideological (...)
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  19.  26
    From Clement to Origen: The Social and Historical Context of the Church Fathers. By David Ivan Rankin.Andrew Louth - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (2):313-314.
  20.  42
    Gregory of Nazianzus. By Brian Daley SJ Theodoret of Cyrus. By Istvan Pástori-Kupán.Andrew Louth - 2008 - Heythrop Journal 49 (2):325–327.
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    G. R. Evans. The Mind of St Bernard of Clairvaux. Pp. xvi + 240. (Clarendon Press, Oxford.) £ 16.50.Andrew Louth - 1985 - Religious Studies 21 (1):109-110.
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    How Christian is our present-day Theology? by Franz Overbeck, annotated translation with an introduction by Martin Henry.Andrew Louth - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (3):527-528.
  23.  24
    Journey to the Holy Mountain Meditations on Mount Athos/Mouht Athos, Renewal in Paradise.Andrew Louth - 2005 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 125:195-197.
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    Love and the Trinity.Andrew Louth - 2002 - Augustinian Studies 33 (1):1-16.
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    Social and Economic Life in Byzantium; Society, Culture and Politics in Byzantium, by Nicolas Oikonomides, edited by Elizabeth Zachariadou.Andrew Louth - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (3):482-482.
  26.  23
    Some recent works by Christos Yannaras in English translation1.Andrew Louth - 2009 - Modern Theology 25 (2):329-340.
  27. Space, time, and the liturgy.Andrew Louth - 2008 - In Adrian Pabst & Christoph Schneider, Encounter Between Eastern Orthodoxy and Radical Orthodoxy: Transfiguring the World Through the Word. Ashgate.
  28.  22
    The cambridge companion to the age of Justinian. Edited by Michael Maas.Andrew Louth - 2008 - Heythrop Journal 49 (2):334–335.
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    The Divine Sense: The Intellect in Patristic Theology – By A. N. Williams.Andrew Louth - 2009 - Modern Theology 25 (1):133-135.
  30.  39
    The reception of dionysius in the byzantine world: Maximus to palamas.Andrew Louth - 2008 - Modern Theology 24 (4):585-599.
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    The trivial sublime. Theology and American poetics.Andrew Louth - 1994 - History of European Ideas 18 (3):449-450.
  32.  59
    Wisdom from above: A Primer in the theology of father Sergei bulgakov. By Aidan Nichols, O.p.Andrew Louth - 2008 - Heythrop Journal 49 (2):346–348.
  33.  26
    A Response to Valerie Trollinger, "A Reconception of Performance Study in Music Education Philosophy".Paul Louth - 2006 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 14 (2):231-233.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Response to Valerie Trollinger, “A Reconception of Performance Study in the Philosophy of Music Education”Paul LouthAs an educator who is a former professional trombonist I can certainly appreciate the issues raised in this discussion. Because I am inclined to agree with the spirit (if not always the substance) of Trollinger's remarks, I would like to respond with some thoughts on the manner in which she tends to frame (...)
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  34. Everybody Else is Doing it, So Why Can’t We? Pluralistic Ignorance and Business Ethics Education.Jonathon R. B. Halbesleben, Anthony R. Wheeler & M. Ronald Buckley - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 56 (4):385-398.
    In light of the myriad accounting and corporate ethics scandals of the early 21st century, many corporate leaders and management scholars believe that ethics education is an essential component in business school education. Despite a voluminous body of ethics education literature, few studies have found support for the effectiveness of changing an individual's ethical standards through programmatic ethics training. To address this gap in the ethics education literature the present study examines the influence of an underlying social cognitive error, called (...)
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    Such stuff as dreams are made on? Elaborative encoding, the ancient art of memory, and the hippocampus.Sue Llewellyn - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (6):589-607.
    This article argues that rapid eye movement (REM) dreaming is elaborative encoding for episodic memories. Elaborative encoding in REM can, at least partially, be understood through ancient art of memory (AAOM) principles: visualization, bizarre association, organization, narration, embodiment, and location. These principles render recent memories more distinctive through novel and meaningful association with emotionally salient, remote memories. The AAOM optimizes memory performance, suggesting that its principles may predict aspects of how episodic memory is configured in the brain. Integration and segregation (...)
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    Review of Llewellyn Gross: Symposium on Sociological Theory[REVIEW]Llewellyn Gross - 1960 - Ethics 71 (1):67-68.
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    Cosmetic Surgery and the Eclipse of Identity.Llewellyn Negrin - 2002 - Body and Society 8 (4):21-42.
    Recently, there has been a shift in attitude among some feminists towards the practice of cosmetic surgery away from that of outright rejection. Kathy Davis, for instance, offers a guarded `defence' of the practice as a strategy that enables women to exercise a degree of control over their lives in circumstances where there are very few other opportunities for self-realization. Others, such as Kathryn Morgan, Anne Balsamo and Orlan, though highly critical of the current practice of cosmetic surgery, go even (...)
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  38. Inconceivable physicalism.Jonathon VandenHombergh - 2017 - Analysis 77 (1):116-125.
    Using his two-dimensional semantics, I demonstrate that David Chalmers’s 2010 ‘two-dimensional argument against materialism’ is sound only if a wide swath of reductive physicalist theses – crucially, those involving identity and other intrinsic reductive relations – are inconceivable. 2DA therefore begs the question against its opponents and undermines its argumentative relevance. Comparisons are drawn to similar arguments in Marton and Sturgeon; the present account differs in its formal and philosophical simplicity, as well as its specific application to reductivist doctrines beyond (...)
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  39. [no title].Jonathon Barnes, Malcom Schofield & Richard Sorabji (eds.) - 1975 - Gerald Duckworth & Co..
  40.  83
    If waking and dreaming consciousness became de-differentiated, would schizophrenia result?Sue Llewellyn - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1059-1083.
    If both waking and dreaming consciousness are functional, their de-differentiation would be doubly detrimental. Differentiation between waking and dreaming is achieved through neuromodulation. During dreaming, without external sensory data and with mesolimbic dopaminergic input, hyper-cholinergic input almost totally suppresses the aminergic system. During waking, with sensory gates open, aminergic modulation inhibits cholinergic and mesocortical dopaminergic suppresses mesolimbic. These neuromodulatory systems are reciprocally interactive and self-organizing. As a consequence of neuromodulatory reciprocity, phenomenologically, the self and the world that appear during dreaming (...)
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    Emigration and Political Development.Jonathon W. Moses - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    While policy makers, international organizations and academics are increasingly aware of the economic effects of emigration, the potential political effects remain understudied. This book maps the nature of the relationship that links emigration and political development. Jonathon W. Moses explores the nature of political development, arguing that emigration influences political development. In particular, he introduces a new cross-national database of annual emigration rates and analyzes specific cases of international emigration under varying political and economic contexts.
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  42. Consciousness, Conceivability, and Intrinsic Reduction.Jonathon VandenHombergh - 2018 - Erkenntnis 85 (5):1129-1151.
    Conceivability arguments constitute a serious threat against reductive physicalism. Recently, a number of authors have proven and characterized a devastating logical truth centered on these arguments: namely, that their soundness entails the inconceivability of reductive physicalism. In this paper, I demonstrate that this is only a logical truth when reductive physicalism is interpreted in its stronger, intrinsic sense, as opposed to its weaker—yet considerably more popular—extrinsic sense. The basic idea generalizes: perhaps surprisingly, stronger forms of reduction are uniquely resistant to (...)
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    Dream to Predict? REM Dreaming as Prospective Coding.Sue Llewellyn - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The role of pluralistic ignorance in perceptions of unethical behavior: An investigation of attorneys' and students' perceptions of ethical behavior.Jonathon R. B. Halbesleben, M. Ronald Buckley & Nicole D. Sauer - 2004 - Ethics and Behavior 14 (1):17 – 30.
    The purpose of this study was to empirically investigate the role of pluralistic ignorance in perceptions of unethical behavior. Buckley, Harvey, and Beu (2000) suggested that pluralistic ignorance plays a role such that individuals mistakenly believe that others are more unethical than they actually are. In two studies, we confirmed that pluralistic ignorance influences perceptions of ethics in a manner consistent with what Buckley et al. suggested. The implications of pluralistic ignorance in perceptions of ethics are discussed with suggestions for (...)
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  45. High self-esteem buffers negative feedback: Once more with feeling.Jonathon D. Brown - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (8):1389-1404.
  46. A Democratic Approach to Public Philosophy.Jonathon Hawkins & Peter West - 2023 - The Philosopher 111 (2):10-16.
    There is a strong appetite in ‘the wild’ (i.e., beyond the academy) for public philosophy. There are myriad forums available, from magazines and online publications to podcasts and YouTube videos, for those who wish to engage in philosophy in a non-academic context. For academic philosophers, this has raised methodological and metaphilosophical questions like: ‘what is the best way to engage in public philosophy?’ and ‘what are our aims when we engage in public philosophy?’ But what do ‘the public’ want? If (...)
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    From the earth of Africa: Q research in South Africa.Llewellyn Howes - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):1-11.
    As the title indicates, this article traces the history of Q research in South Africa. It focuses on South African scholars who have made worthwhile contributions to our understanding and knowledge of the Sayings Gospel Q. An attempt is ultimately made to detect some trends in this regard. One significant finding perhaps worth mentioning in the abstract is the undeniable influence of Andries G. van Aarde on Q scholarship in South Africa.
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  48.  50
    Crossing the invisible line: De-differentiation of wake, sleep and dreaming may engender both creative insight and psychopathology.Sue Llewellyn - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 46:127-147.
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    Commentary: Acetaminophen Enhances the Reflective Learning Process.Jonathon McPhetres - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Fundamentalism and Gender.J. E. Llewellyn & John Stratton Hawley - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (1):180.
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